There's still time to sponsor a hole in the Duane Pease Memorial Golf Tournament! For as little as $25 you/your squadron/your business can showyour support for the Veteran's Day Bus Trip.These hole sponsorships are the only monies from the tournament that go directly to the expenses of the Bus Trip. Forms can be foundby clicking on the listing in the Events list onthe website homepage. ThankYou for your support!
The information that you've been waiting for is here! Click the forms below for all you need to know about the 2017 Sons of AMVETS Depat of Ohio Veterans Day Bus Trip!
Seats will go quickly, so get your reservations in as quickly as possible!
It's time again to start getting your teams together and maybe a little practice.... The Sons of AMVETS Department of Ohio and Squadron 1994 Kenton invite you to come join us for a day in the sun (hopefully) of fun and friendship. This tournament is our one fundraiser to support the Veterans Day Bus Trip, and help keep the cost down so that more members of our AMVETS family can enjoy and celebrate our Vets in the Nation's Capital. For an entry form, please click on the event list on the homepage of the website. There is a form attached for sponsoring a hole on the course. Please see form for details! The hole sponsorships are the only real source of income from this event, all other monies are paid out.
We have hired Jacqueline Stradford to take on the position of Administrative Professional and allow Paula to finally retire. Thank you Paula. Please welcome Jacqueline and help her feel like part of the AMVETS Family. She comes to us from a background in administrative duties for the VA, Church Groups, and so much more. She will be in place for the Midwinter Conference for those of you wanting to meet her. Please take it easy on her as far contacting her at the office, as she is still in training with Paula and preparing for the Conference, which I can assure you, is a lot to tackle in your first weeks on the job. Welcome to the Family, Jacqueline!
The priorities to be presented to the Congressman and Senators this year at Spring NEC are now available to view. You may view the PDF's or go to the following link.
Reports from all Department Officers, including District Commanders are due to HQ by Wednesday February 1. If you have any issues meeting that deadline, contact Commander Bryant ASAP.
All Department Officers' (including District Commanders) reports are due in to HQ by Thursday October 6. If you are having issues meeting this deadline, contact Commander Bryant (937-554-3168 or BOBROX123@YAHOO.COM) ASAP. Also remember that District Commanders need to have visitation reports into HQ for 25% of your squadrons by the same date. Again, if you're having trouble with this, contact Commander Bryant. See you all in Columbus!
To all squadron Commander’s and 2nd Vice Commander’s
It is very important that your squadrons fill out your project reports. The federal government goes off of this to help fund the VA’s in our state, you can do this on line or if you want you can still send in a paper report form. I will process it for you.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to do this, please do not hesitate to call me or email me, I can walk you through the process of doing it online it is very easy to do. Project reporting is also necessary to maintain your non-profit status and to remain a quality squadron.
Yours in Service
2nd Vice Commander
Owen Jackson email-ojackson14@hotmail .com
The deadline for reporting 2015-2016 projects was June 30. Please continue to enter your projects online! If you cannot enter them online, please contact Owen Jackson or Bobby Bryant for assistance. We once again topped the One Million Dollar mark! A Final report is posted in the 2nd Vice section of the website. Thank you for all of your hard work toward this throughout the year!
All Officers' reports for the 2016 State Convention Book are due to HQ by Thursday June 9, 2016. This will ensure that all reports are included in the Convention book for all registered members to review before the general business session.